Impact Stories

On this page you will find information about KLS impact stories, as follows:


What is an Impact Story?

In October 2017, KLS began to formally collect examples of the ways that our literature searches have been used by PHE staff. Our aim was to determine the impact a KLS literature search might have on services, projects, policy, research, publications or population health. A one page A4 template is used by KLS and UKHSA staff to write up a case study. These are called Impact Stories. They are used to promote the value and impact of our services, and to showcase UKHSA research and policy.


How can I help to write an Impact Story?

If you have previously requested a literature search which has helped in the production of a publication or the implementation of a service/project, and would like to help KLS complete an Impact Story please contact Nicola Pearce-Smith, Senior Information Scientist.


What Impact Stories are currently available?

The Impact Stories we have completed so far are available to download below.

An after action review (AAR) led by the Knowledge and Library Services (KLS) helped draw out lessons from a project to develop and disseminate an eLearning module on psychological first aid during COVID-19 [click here to open]

A Digest commissioned by PHE COVID-19 Response Adult Social Care Team, and produced by KLS, informed DHSC policy and guidance on the prevention and control of COVID-19 in care homes [click here to open]

A series of KLS literature searches supported the Serology Working Group in production of rapid reviews; and provided a SAGE subcommittee with the latest evidence on immunity and COVID-19 [click here to open]

Establishment of a member of Knowledge and Library Services (KLS) within the COVID-19 Evidence team enhanced the production of a series of rapid evidence reviews to inform PHE’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic [click here to open]


Antimicrobial Stewardship

Evidence from a Knowledge and Library Services (KLS) literature search in July 2018, supported the publication of three peer-reviewed manuscripts to assess local implementation of national antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) interventions [click here to open]

Cardiovascular Disease

A KLS evidence search identified national, regional and international cardiovascular disease (CVD) programmes; this was used to inform a proposal to procure a review of successfully implemented international CVD prevention programmes [click here to open]

Child Health

Evidence about child sexual exploitation, violence and trafficking was identified from a Knowledge and Library Services (KLS) literature search, and used to inform the production of a Department of Health report and support ongoing work for local area prevention tools [click here to open]

Costs and Savings

Evidence from the Knowledge and Library Service Evidence Review supported a CPD session for local authority stakeholders focussed on prioritising public health and improving health in times of austerity, held in June 2017 [click here to open]

Diagnosis and detection

A successful mobile chest x ray tuberculosis (TB) screening event occurred in Bristol as the effectiveness of active case finding was demonstrated via evidence from a Knowledge and Library Services (KLS) literature search in March 2016 [click here to open]

KLS provided essential support to the National Mycobacterium reference service South (NMRS-S) for a systematic review [click here to open]


A KLS literature search revealed that there is a dearth of evidence relating to the effects of secondary exposure to new psychoactive substances (NPS) and helped in the production of a joint guidance document [click here to open]

Employment and health

Evidence from a series of KLS Evidence Briefings assisted in the development of a Work and Health E-learning course [click here to open]

A KLS literature search identifying key evidence contributed to an interactive return on investment (ROI) tool built by Optimity Advisors and PHE, showing the health and financial benefits of moving from unemployment to employment [click here to open]

Evidence from a series of KLS Evidence Briefings assisted in the development of Employer toolkits [click here to open]

Mental Health

A KLS literature search helped in the production of a Risk Factor Intelligence (RFI) evidence synthesis report on the effectiveness of school-based lessons on influencing children and young people’s knowledge and attitudes towards mental health and emotional wellbeing [click here to open]

NHS Health Check

A quarterly comprehensive literature search to find evidence on NHS Health Checks conducted by PHE KLS, has contributed to the quality-assured decision-making of the Expert Scientific Clinical Advisory Panel (ESCAP) [click here to open]


A KLS literature search enabled the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition to update a scientific risk assessment at speed [click here to open]

Evidence from a KLS literature search assisted the Local Authority to consider all the factors which help older people to maintain a healthy diet [click here to open]

Prescribed medicines

A KLS literature search contributed to the first comprehensive review of the impact of prescribed medicines in relation to dependence and withdrawal [click here to open]

Quality Assurance

A KLS literature search identified solutions in peer challenge to support the development of a Region to Region (R2R) Peer Challenge Process [click here to open]

Reproductive health

A KLS literature search enabled the Sexual and Reproductive Health team to find evidence related to reproductive health stigma at speed, which was fed into the PHE document ‘Reproductive Health is a Public Health Issue’ [click here to open]

Smoking and smoking bans

A KLS literature search helped in the production of an Evidence Synthesis Report on smokefree outdoor public places and outdoor commercial places [click here to open]

Social Problems

A KLS literature search on rough sleeping and street begging, conducted in August 2017, allowed local authorities to develop strategies and prevention plans to tackle this issue in a more holistic way [click here to open]

A KLS literature search contributed to a rapid evidence assessment (REA) on modern slavery and public health, leading to an impactful publication on this issue of contemporary urgency [click here to open]