Our Remit

The aim of UKHSA Knowledge and Library Services is to help protect and improve the nation’s health and wellbeing, and reduce inequalities, by providing and mobilising the best available evidence for public health. The service aims to facilitate access to the evidence base for public health through a range of mediated, embedded library, information and knowledge services, delivered at the point of need. 

The service offer:
  • expert literature searching, information retrieval and enquiry services
  • document delivery & inter-library loans
  • access to resources (databases, e-journals, ebooks, physical collections, OpenAthens accounts)
  • information skills, critical appraisal, and research skills training
  • knowledge updates and alerting services
  • knowledge management services and facilitation, including peer assists, after-action reviews and support for communities of practice
  • integrated & embedded subject-specialist liaison to identify, source, manage & disseminate evidence for UKHSA priorities
Last Updated on 16th June 2023 by rgledhill