Knowledge Management Books and Journals

On this page you will find details of resources on a variety of Knowledge Management topics.
Some are suitable for novices, while others take a deep-dive into specific topics. 

The books are available in our collection, and can be posted to library users if you don’t have physical access to one of our site libraries (available at Chilton, Colindale and Porton). 

If you are unable to access full-text articles from the journals listed below, please use our Document Supply service. More information is available on our Request an Article page.

KM Books

To view the full list on our library catalogue, please visit: (opens in a new tab)


The KM cookbook: stories and strategies for organisations exploring knowledge management standard ISO 30401, Chris Collison, 2019 Online resource Paperback book

Follow this link to view the online copy (Opens in a new tab)

Follow this catalogue link to view the paperback copy (Opens in a new tab)

(Opens in a new tab) The KM Cookbook presents success stories and strategies for organisations wanting to know more about Knowledge Management Standard ISO30401 – whether they intend to pursue certification, or simply seek to use it as a framework to review their existing programme and strategy. The first half of this practical and accessible book explores knowledge management using the metaphor of the restaurant (KM programme or plan of activity), introducing the customers (KM programme stakeholders and beneficiaries), restaurateur (sponsor/senior champion), chef (KM programme leader), staff (KM team and support), ingredients (tools, methods, processes and strategies) and restaurant critic (external auditor). The second half presents sixteen case study examples of KM in practice around the world, through the reflections of their own ‘KM chefs’.


The knowledge manager’s handbook: a step-by-step guide to embedding effective knowledge management in your organization (2nd ed), Nick Milton, Patrick Lambe, 2020

Follow this catalogue link to view this item  (Opens in a new tab)

This book leads you through each stage of creating and implementing a knowledge management framework for an organisation’s specific needs, based around the four essential aspects of knowledge management: people, processes, technologies and governance. It includes clear guidance on the best practice requirements from the internationally recognised standard for knowledge management, ISO 30401, as well as content on the impact of AI and data analytics. With international case studies from organisations of all sizes and sectors, along with user-friendly templates and checklists to help implement effective knowledge management procedures, The Knowledge Manager’s Handbook offers ways to make sustainable changes in an organisation’s knowledge management culture.


Learning to fly: practical knowledge management from leading and learning organizations Collison, 2004 Chilton Main Library (C)

Follow this catalogue link to view this item  (Opens in a new tab)

In this book, the authors share their experiences from a range of leading and learning organisations. It is a practical, pragmatic workbook including hints and tips to help managers put knowledge management into action. It focuses on tools and techniques (After Action Reviews, peer assists, communities of practice, etc) and issues of embedding habits of sharing and learning within an organisation, with an emphasis on people and not technology.


KM Journals

Journal of Knowledge Management (Emerald Publishing) (Opens in a new tab)
Publishes research and studies by academic, business and government contributors on strategies, tools, techniques and technologies for knowledge management.


Knowledge Management Research and Practice (Taylor & Francis) (Opens in a new tab)
Publishes research on knowledge management, organisational learning, intellectual capital and knowledge economics.


International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies (Inderscience) (Opens in a new tab)
Publishes research by academics and practitioners that emphasises knowledge management both theoretically and practically.


Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (World Scientific) (Opens in a new tab)
Publishes research and case studies on all aspects of information processing, information management and knowledge management.


Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management (Academic Conferences & Publishing International Ltd (ACPIL)) (Opens in a new tab)
Online open access journal that publishes research on topics relevant to the study and implementation of knowledge management, intellectual capital, intangible resources and related fields of study.


Knowledge and Process Management: the journal of corporate transformation (Wiley) (Opens in a new tab)
Aimed at executives responsible for driving performance improvement in their business or for introducing new ideas to business through thought leadership. Provides information on the lessons learned from other organizations in the areas of: knowledge management; organizational learning; core competences; process management.


International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital (Inderscience) (Opens in a new tab)
Covers the latest advances on organisational learning, knowledge management and intellectual capital measuring and reporting.


 Last Updated on 3rd May 2023 by sgrey