World Evidence-Based Healthcare Day 2020

To celebrate World Evidence-Based Healthcare Day PHE’s Knowledge and Library Services (KLS) have arranged two days of virtual events for PHE staff. 


What is World Evidence-Based Healthcare Day? 

World Evidence-Based Healthcare Day “is a global initiative that raises awareness of the need for better evidence to inform healthcare policy, practice and decision making in order to improve health outcomes globally.” (Aims of World EBHC Day). To learn more about the day, please visit the World Evidence-Based Healthcare Day website


World Evidence-Based Healthcare Day Virtual Events

We will be holding a series of online presentations and training sessions that support your use of evidence and map to functions from the Public Health Skills and Knowledge Framework (PHSKF). The corresponding PHSKF area is denoted in green.

Topics covered across the two days, 20th and 21st of October 2020 include:

  • Finding the evidence
    Formulating an answerable search question; breaking the question down into concepts; identifying additional search terms; choosing appropriate information sources.

    (PHSKF area A4.1 – Access and appraise evidence gained through systematic methods)
  • Critical appraisal
    An introduction to critical appraisal tools and techniques, promoting increased confidence in reading and interpreting research evidence to use in decision making.
    (PHSKF area A4.2 – Critique published and unpublished research, synthesise the evidence and draw appropriate conclusions)
  • Evidence in practice
    Sharing learning from public health practitioners’ experience of developing and implementing public health programmes and projects. 
    (PHSKF area
    A2 – Promote population and community health and wellbeing, addressing the wider determinants of health and health inequalities)


Videos – watch now

If you would like to start learning more about our themes, you can view these videos anytime.

Video title Summary
KLS Current Awareness Products The aim of this brief session is to highlight the current awareness products available from PHE Knowledge and Library Services. Click here for transcript. [Runtime: 02.29]
Providing evidence services to Local Authority Public Health Teams The who, why and how of Local Authority Public Health evidence provision. Click here for transcript. [Runtime: 04.40]
Practice examples – a bitesize overview This video highlights the background, aims and audience for the collections of practice examples collated by Knowledge and Library Services. Click here for transcript. [Runtime: 03.10]
Formulating an answerable search question This video takes you through the process of formulating an answerable search question using search frameworks, such as PICO. [Runtime: 04.03]
Tips and tricks for search terms This video shares five ‘tips’ to make your searching more effective: truncation, wildcards, phrasing, the proximity function and Boolean operators. [Runtime: 05.27]
Introduction to Critical Appraisal Skills Programme This webinar introduces Evidence Based Practice (EBP) and CASP tools. PHE Knowledge and Library Services have produced a list of useful Critical Appraisal Tools to support you. [Runtime: 27.30]












Additional resources

We don’t just have videos to help you learn more about our themes, we have a range of additional resources, including booklists, which can be found below:

  • View our guides on Finding the Evidence, including Finding the Evidence for Global and Disaster Health or Finding the Evidence for Child Health.
  • Browse our books on evidence-based practice, books such as Evidencebased Practice for Health Professionals: An Interprofessional Approach and Evidence-Based Public Health.
  • Use our databases to find the evidence and help your research. For example, did you know that you have access to Sage Research Methods, a specialist collection for researchers containing 1,000+ key books on research methods, ethics, and specific quantitative and qualitative methods. It also includes journal articles, a dictionary, case studies, video tutorials, a project planner tool, and practice datasets.
    If you would like to learn more about Sage Research Methods you can view their short tutorial videos here.
    Visit our databases page to see what is available to you. 
  • Explore our titles on research skills – which is a list of titles helping you to appraise articles, improve your searching skills and write up your research.  
  • Critically appraise evidence that you are working with using Critical Appraisal Tools.


Live events – check back later for recordings!

Day  Session Registration 
Tuesday 20/10/2020 10.00-10.30 Teams Introduction to the PHE KLS coronavirus website Registration is now closed for this session.
Tuesday 20/10/2020 11.00-11.45 Teams Google is good-ish Registration is now closed for this session.
Tuesday 20/10/2020 14.30-15.00 Teams Save time searching – high quality sources of evidence Registration is now closed for this session.
Wednesday 21/10/2020 10:00-11:00
Using Web of Science for evidence discovery Registration is now closed for this session.


Resources and organisations referenced on this page are intended as a useful guide for information purposes only. Inclusion or exclusion of resources does therefore not signify that Knowledge and Library Services endorse or do not endorse the activities of a particular organisation. Knowledge and Library Services are not responsible for the information or services provided by external organisations.