Support for Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) staff

UKHSA Knowledge and Library Services (KLS) provide access to resources and professional library services to public health colleagues in the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID).

Access to resources

All staff working in OHID are entitled to an NHS OpenAthens account. This will allow access to:

  • MyAthens: your starting point for evidence searching, with direct links and information about available databases, journal and ebook platforms.


  • Discovery search: use this for a quick evidence search or to find a specific article or item. It searches a wide range of evidence sources provided by UKHSA and the NHS as well as open access material, and provides easy access to full text via the Get PDF, Linked Full Text and Access Item links.


  • BrowZine: to browse or search for journals.


Expert literature searching and information retrieval

A responsive mediated literature searching and filtering service is available.

Information skills training

A range of information skills training is available, including finding the evidence, critical appraisal and reference management.

Knowledge updates and alerting services

A range of current awareness products are available to keep up-to-date.

Enquiry and referral services

Please email [email protected] or telephone 020 368 20600 if you wish to ask a question or seek advice. We aim to acknowledge written correspondence or respond within two full working days of the receipt of an enquiry.


Frequently asked questions

How do I access UKHSA electronic public health evidence resources?

You can register for an account at NICE OpenAthens. When asked for your organisation name, type OHID or Office for Health Improvement and Disparities and use your workplace email address when registering. You should then receive an email confirmation with a link to create your own password.


Can I request full text PDFs of articles?

If you require the full text of an article that isn’t directly available when logged in through OpenAthens, you can request an article.


Can I request items from the physical book collection?

If there is an item in our collections that you would like to borrow, please contact [email protected] or telephone 020 368 20600.


Do I have access to the DHSC Knowledge Centre?

All OHID staff will have continued access to a small number of resources through the DHSC Knowledge Centre, such as Local Government Chronicle. More information on these resources will follow in early September.