Coffee Connect

Take part in this brilliantly simple way to connect with someone you might not normally encounter in your day-to-day work. Sometimes known as a Randomised Coffee Trial, in this session you will be randomly connected with another member of UKHSA staff and have the opportunity to take the discussion in any direction you wish (with some ‘talking points’ provided by us to use if you’d like to).

Randomised Coffee Trials help to build relationships, improve communication, encourage collaboration, share knowledge and ideas. So if you are missing those water-cooler chats, join us for Coffee Connect!

Please note these events are currently only open to UKHSA staff (details below); if you would like help facilitating a similar session in your patch then please contact [email protected]


We’re running a series of Coffee Connects to link up colleagues from all and any parts of UKHSA. These sessions are open to anyone working for UKHSA. Sign up for one, more or all of the sessions!  Please contact [email protected] to register, or visit the intranet event pages to download the calendar invitation (N.B. Internal UKHSA access only):

Tuesday 9th July: 15:00 – 15:30
[Link to intranet event page coming soon]

Thursday 8th August: 11:00 – 11:30
[Link to intranet event page coming soon]

Wednesday 28th August: 14:00 – 14:30
[Link to intranet event page coming soon]

Thursday 19th September: 11:30 – 12:00
[Link to intranet event page coming soon]

Science Group:
We’re running a number of Coffee Connects over the next few months to link up colleagues in Science Group. Sign up for one, more or all of the sessions!  Please contact [email protected] to register, or visit the intranet event pages to download the calendar invitation (N.B. Internal UKHSA access only):

Please note, Science Group Coffee Connects are paused over Summer, but will be back in the Autumn! Members of Science Group are very welcome to join the all-UKHSA events.


If you’d be interested in joining a Coffee Connect but can’t make these times or dates, please let us know to help us plan future events: [email protected] 

To see all upcoming KM events, please see our events calendar:


 Last Updated on 19th June 2024 by sgrey