Register for a Library Account

We strive to make accessing library services and resources as simple and straightforward as possible. On this page you will find information about how to access and register for the appropriate accounts.

What are the different accounts?

The three accounts are:

  • Library catalogue account
  • KLS enquiries portal account
  • OpenAthens account

All of these accounts are free at the point of use.

The following table denotes what each account enables you to access and how to register for each:

Library catalogue account KLS enquiries portal account OpenAthens account
  • View loans
  • Renew books
  • Reserve books
  • Use self-service kiosks (in site libraries)
  • Access BorrowBox
  • Request literature searches
  • Create and view enquiries
  • Access to online evidence resources (including eBooks, journals, and databases)
Click here for instructions on using your library catalogue account.
If you are an external user then please email [email protected] for assistance
Email us to register for a KLS enquiries portal account Click here for more information about OpenAthens


What do I do if I have problems accessing or using the accounts?

Call us on 020 368 20600 or email [email protected]

Last Updated on 2nd June 2023 by Edith Speller