UKHSA Knowledge and Library Services have arranged access to over 5000 ebooks for UKHSA staff. These are listed in the library catalogue and EBSCO Discovery.
Most of the ebooks use IP authentication via the UKHSA network so if you can’t get access, try using a different browser, such as Internet Explorer or Edge. You can also login to most publishers using your UKHSA OpenAthens account.
If you have difficulties accessing a particular title or if there is another title you would like adding to the collection please contact your local library staff or email [email protected]
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Particular collections of note:
Borrowbox – This collection contains ebooks and audiobooks relating to Wellbeing, Learning & Development and also popular science.
For more details of the titles and how to access them, see our separate Borrowbox page.
GIDEON Guides to Infectious Diseases and Microbiology – 196 titles Available on OVID
The disease series of GIDEON eBooks summarize the status of individual or collection of related infectious diseases in every country of the world. Data are based on the GIDEON web application and it’s vast content. All eBooks in the series include distribution maps and images.
The country series of GIDEON eBooks summarize the status of individual infectious diseases, for every country in the world, including their vaccination schedule. Included in this series is Infectious Diseases of the World which summarizes the worldwide status with a distribution map for every disease.
The collection includes COVID19, MERS and SARS: A global status
See the catalogue for the list of titles
Hogrefe Publishing Book Collection
A collection of 50 titles from a leading source in mental health, behavioral sciences, and psychology. This package consists of handbooks, quick references, and other texts covering a wide range of topics: autism, substance abuse, mental health instruments, and more. these ebooks are on the OVID platform. See the catalogue for the list of titles.
Publisher collections
A collection of Oxford University Press ebooks. Includes The Oxford textbook of Medicine 6th edition (2020) and Textbook of Global Health, 4th edition (2017) Oxford Public Health and Epidemiology module – over 50 ebooks available.
Over 270 ebooks are available on books@OVID. Key titles include Fields Virology. |
Sage Research Methods Access to over 1000 ebooks covering research methods, statistics, and evaluation | |
Springer ebooks We have access to a large number of ebooks Published by Springer. This includes the Springer Protocols Series. Springer Protocols Handbooks collects a diverse range of step-by-step laboratory methods and protocols from across the life and biomedical sciences | |