Health Information Week 2022

Health Information Week 2022 4 July - 10 July banner

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Health Information Week is a national, multi-sector campaign promoting high-quality health information. High-quality health information can have a huge impact on people’s ability to stay healthy and manage illnesses effectively, giving them a better quality of life.

This year UKHSA Knowledge and Library Services are marking Health Information Week 2022 (#HIW2022) by hosting a series of short, informal knowledge sharing events, and highlighting resources. 

Click on the links below find out more, or scroll down to sign up for events:



All the events for #HIW2022 will be hosted on Teams. Unless otherwise stated, events are open to staff who work in: UKHSA, the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, NHSE/I Public Health, and Local Authority Public Health Teams.


Monday 4 July, 12:00-12:30
Bibliotherapy and your new collection: Your Health Collection 2022
Health Education England (NHS) and The Reading Agency have worked in partnership to bring together a new list entitled ‘Your Health Collection’, to support users of health and prison libraries to understand and manage their health. The collection of 10 books and 30 digital resources were chosen by those working in healthcare, health information and knowledge and library specialists working in the NHS, in prisons, in public health and in Higher Education. The resources chosen are accessible, inclusive and reflect the diversity of society.

This session explored concepts related to the collection:
• What is bibliotherapy and therapeutic reading?
• Self-help bibliotherapy
• The new ‘Your Health’ collection
Email us if you would like to request materials from the session.


Tuesday 5 July, 12:00-12:50
Long COVID: Vaccines, health inequalities, messaging and finding the evidence
This session featured speakers who shared their work on Long COVID. They spoke about their research and practice, and how they found, used and created high quality public health evidence:
• Rapid review on vaccines & Long COVID. Sean Harrison, Principal Evidence Reviewer, COVID-19 Rapid Evidence Service, UKHSA

• Using the HEAT tool to help local Long COVID services develop health inequalities plans. Rachael Gosling, Consultant in Public Health, NHS England & Improvement
• Devising the Long COVID search strategy to find the available evidence. Caroline de Brún, Knowledge & Evidence Specialist, UKHSA
Email us if you would like to request materials from the session.


Wednesday 6 July, 12:30-13:15
Health Equity at UKHSA

Thursday 7 July, 12:00-12:45
Using public health approaches in Yorkshire and the Humber to build financial resilience in communities
There is a strong relationship between money and resources and health outcomes. Financial wellbeing is a determinant of health. Financial wellbeing is good for people, for communities and the economy. Financial inclusion and financial wellbeing should be considered as mechanisms for protecting health and wellbeing.
As the cost of living rises, many people in the country will experience less money in their pockets. Recently published evidence shows that cost of living challenges are already affecting people’s health and wellbeing. In a survey commissioned by the Royal College of Physicians one in two people surveyed said that their health had been negatively affected by the rising cost of living. In this session we will explore how the public health system in Yorkshire and Humber is taking a public health approach to building financial resilience in communities, working with local places to take action.
Email us if you would like to request materials from the session.


Further information 

Find out more about Health Information Week activities from across the country from Health Information Week 2022 or use #HIW2022 to find and share on social media.