Information Skills Training for UKHSA Staff

Knowledge and Library Services (KLS) provide a range of information skills training for UKHSA staff, which can be delivered in a group or one-to-one setting, via MS Teams.

Information on Information Skills Training available to Local Authority Public Health Teams is available on our Support for Local Authority Public Health Teams pages. 

For more information on the information skills sessions that we offer, please explore the headings below.

To view all scheduled training sessions, please see our calendar of events.

If the dates listed do not suit you, if you would like to arrange a training session for your team, or if you are interested in a topic which is not listed, please contact [email protected] to discuss your requirements.

Information Skills Training


To provide an overview of services and resources available from UKHSA’s KLS, and how to access them.


By the end of this session you will be able to:

  • State where to find KLS representatives and methods of contact.
  • Describe the services available from KLS.
  • List types of resource provided by KLS.
  • Register for an OpenAthens account.
  • Use the KLS web pages to find information and access the resources you want.
  • Have increased confidence in how to access services and resources from KLS.


  • Where we are and how to contact us: library sites and Centre contacts.
  • Services available from KLS:
    • enquiry services,
    • expert literature searching
    • books journals and databases
    • document delivery and inter-library loan
    • information skills training
    • knowledge updates
    • knowledge management
  • Library web pages
  • Library catalogue and UKHSA Discovery
  • Databases
  • BrowZine and BorrowBox
  • Special Collections
  • OpenAthens
  • How to register
  • Practice Examples
  • Evidence Briefings
  • EndNote

To view scheduled dates for KLS Inductions, please view the events calendar.

Finding the Evidence is available in the following formats:

  1. A two hour session combing the planning and Ovid Medline demo and practice
  2. A one hour session on planning your search only
  3. A one hour session of Ovid Medline demo and practice
  4. A one hour session of EBSCO CINAHL demo and practice


To provide attendees with the skills and knowledge to conduct a structured literature search using a bibliographic database.


By the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Prepare an answerable search question.
  • Formulate a search strategy.
  • Apply a search strategy to a bibliographic database (e.g. Medline).
  • Use appropriate syntax (e.g. truncation, wildcards, Boolean operators).
  • Have increased confidence in using bibliographic databases to identify evidence to address a search question.


  • Planning and defining your search question
  • Creating your search strategy
  • Interactive: creating your own search strategy
  • Identifying available sources
  • Inputting search terms and applying limits and filters
  • Assessing and amending your results
  • Saving your search history and search results
  • Obtaining full-text​
  • Interactive: apply this knowledge to a bibliographic database

To view scheduled dates for Search Skills training, please view the events calendar.


To provide attendees with the skills and knowledge to conduct a structured literature search using up to three sources of grey literature.


By the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Explain what constitutes grey literature.
  • Prepare an answerable search question.
  • Formulate a search strategy in the context of grey literature.
  • Apply a search strategy to sources of grey literature (e.g. BASE, King’s Fund, TRIP Database).
  • Use appropriate syntax (e.g. truncation, wildcards, Boolean operators).
  • Have increased confidence in using grey literature sources to identify evidence to address a search question.


  • What is grey literature?
  • Planning and defining your search question
  • Creating your search strategy
  • Interactive: creating your own search strategy
  • Identifying available sources
  • Inputting search terms and applying limits and filters
  • Assessing and amending your results
  • Saving your search history and search results
  • Obtaining full-text​
  • Interactive: apply this knowledge to up to three sources of grey literature

To view scheduled dates for Search Skills training, please view the events calendar.


To provide an overview of EndNote, the reference management software provided for UKHSA staff.


By the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Populate an EndNote Library with references.
  • Manipulate references in EndNote.
  • Have increased confidence in using EndNote to organise references.


  • Navigating your library
  • Exporting results from the internet to your EndNote Library
  • Manually creating a reference
  • Attaching documents to references
  • Removing duplicate references
  • Organising your library: sorting
  • Organising your library: searching within your library
  • Organising your library: creating groups
  • Sharing an EndNote Library
  • Using EndNote in a Word document (Cite While You Write)
  • OPTIONAL: Half hour to practise using EndNote

To view scheduled dates for EndNote training, please view the events calendar.


To provide a more in-depth look at EndNote, with a focus on modifying a library of references and screening (i.e. marking references for inclusion or exclusion)


By the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Explain the importance of recording the pathway of references from performing your literature search to identifying references for inclusion.
  • Manipulate references in your EndNote Library.
  • Single screen results for relevance.
  • Double screen results using EndNote and Rayyan.

Have increased confidence using EndNote.


  • Creating a new library
  • Populating your library
  • Creating groups
  • De-duplicating references
  • Single screening
  • Double screening with EndNote
  • Double screening with Rayyan

To view scheduled dates for EndNote training, please view the events calendar.


To provide a more in-depth look at EndNote, with a focus on sharing a library of references where multiple collaborators can edit the same data, and sharing copies of libraries where collaborators make changes for themselves.


By the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Choose an appropriate method of sharing your references.
  • Recognise advantages and disadvantages of sharing methods.
  • Explain precautions you can take when sharing references.
  • Have increased confidence using EndNote.


  • EndNote Online account
  • Syncing a library to EndNote Online
  • Sharing a synced EndNote Library with others
  • When others share their EndNote Library with you
  • Storing on a shared drive
  • Sharing a copy of your EndNote Library
  • Sharing the contents of your EndNote Library
  • Caveats
  • Use of travelling libraries

To view scheduled dates for EndNote training, please view the events calendar.


To provide a more in-depth look at EndNote with a focus on the Cite While You Write plugin, enabling easy citation of your references within MS Word.


By the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Use the Cite While You Write to create citations and bibliographies in MS Word.
  • Modify citations and output styles.
  • Manage formatted results across multiple files without corrupting your citations.
  • Have increased confidence using EndNote.


  • Inserting a citation while in Word
  • Inserting a citation while in EndNote
  • Output styles
  • Modifying citations
  • Deleting citations
  • Formatting your bibliography
  • Creating subheadings for your references
  • Moving text from one document to another
  • Combining multiple files into one overarching file
  • Use of travelling libraries

To view scheduled dates for EndNote training, please view the events calendar.


To provide attendees with an introduction to the importance of critical appraisal and the opportunity to take part in a facilitated critical appraisal of a systematic review.


By the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Explain why critical appraisal is important.
  • Describe how critical appraisal fits in to the cycle of evidence-based practice.
  • List the key elements of a systematic review.
  • Recognise the presence (and absence) of these elements in a systematic review.
  • Use critical appraisal to evaluate a systematic review.
  • Have increased confidence in reading and interpreting research evidence, to use in decision making.


  • Importance of critical appraisal
  • Evidence-Based Practice Cycle and Hierarchy of Evidence
  • Types of study design
  • Key elements of a good systematic review
    • Focused question
    • Search strategy
    • Quality assessment
    • Appropriate statistical analyses
    • Results
  • Some (very basic) statistics
  • Small group appraisal of a paper using a checklist
  • Full-group discussion

To view scheduled dates for Critical Appraisal training, please view the events calendar.


To provide an overview on misinformation and disinformation.


By the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Describe types of fake news.
  • Identify some reputable sources.
  • Have greater confidence in fact-checking resources.
  • Have greater confidence in addressing myths in conversation.


  • What do we mean by fake news?
  • What are the types
  • Why do we believe
  • Who (where does it come from)
  • Fact or opinion
  • Why should we take this seriously?
  • Tips for fact checking
  • How to fact check (resources)
  • Addressing a myth and having a conversation
  • Some practical examples on fact checking
  • Some reputable sources to use

To view scheduled dates for Digital Literacy training, please view the events calendar.


To provide an overview on why Google may not always be the best place to search for evidence.
This session will NOT teach you how to search Google effectively.


By the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Explain some of the problems with using Google to conduct an evidence search.
  • Recognise fake websites and how to evaluate web pages in general.
  • Understand that not all websites are created equal
  • Recognise some of the issues that can arise when using Google Scholar rather than searching bibliographic databases (e.g. Medline).
  • Have more confidence in using reliable information online.


  • Common myths about google
  • How search results are organised and presented (bias and search bubbles)
  • AstroTurf
  • Fake websites
  • Is it fact or opinion
  • Problems with Google Scholar
  • Tips for searching Google (when you really must)
  • How to evaluate web pages

To view scheduled dates for Digital Literacy training, please view the events calendar.

Last Updated on 2nd June 2023 by Edith Speller