
UKHSA provide you with access to the evidence-base for public health and related disciplines. We subscribe to an extensive range of journal titles, altogether comprising around 5000 current subscriptions, mainly in electronic format to enable you to access them from any internet-connected computer at your point of need.

On this page you can find information about the journals available to you and how to find them. The page is split into the following sections:

Accessing journals

Check our Accessing resources page for general information about access. A good starting point to access journals and other resources is MyAthens – see our OpenAthens page for details on how to log in. You can then use BrowZine to browse journals or Discovery search to look for a specific article.

Looking for a specific article

Discovery search

Use the appropriate Discovery search link to look for a specific article. We recommend searching by article title or DOI.

LibKey Nomad

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension for Google Chrome, Edge and Firefox that automatically provides instant links to full text content for articles subscribed to by UKHSA – or open access alternatives – as you do research on the web and come across literature on publisher websites, PubMed, Wikipedia and more. LibKey Nomad user guide (PDF).

You can easily install this extension via the Chrome web store (for Google Chrome and Edge), and the Firefox extension store. Once you have clicked install, you will be prompted to select the institution you belong to – you should select UK Health Security Agency, OHID, NHS England – Public Health or Public Health Staff in England (for local authority staff) as appropriate. The extension will then have been installed.

Alternative access

In addition to the holdings mentioned on this page, other sources of free full-text journals online to check are:

Local print journal subscriptions

Chilton site library has the following print journal subscriptions:

  • British Journal of Radiology (also available online)
  • Brownfield Briefing (also available online)
  • ENDS Report (also available online)
  • Radiation Research (also available online)

Please note that journals are not available for loan and should not be removed from the library without prior consent of the library staff.

Colindale site library has the following print journal subscriptions:

  • Bio-science Law review  
  • Journal of Microbiology Immunology and Infection

  • Occupational Health at Work
  • Town and Country Planning

Harvard Business Review is no longer available in print at Colindale, but can be accessed online via the Health Business Elite platform Harvard Business Review using an OpenAthens account.

UKHSA KLS print journal archive

We retain a substantial print archive of public health related journals across the three site libraries. We are currently working to catalogue this collection and will provide holdings information of these materials as soon as we are able.

NHS e-journals

As part of the nationally purchased NHS England Core Content collection, you have access to over 1000 electronic full-text journal titles. The collection covers both clinical and health management titles, and these are available via the UKHSA Discovery Service or NICE Evidence journals page, where you can either browse journal titles in alphabetical order or search for specific titles.

Resources requiring individual registration

Health Service Journal (HSJ)

We have access to HSJ for a limited number of users.

ENDS Report

We have access to ENDS Report for a limited number of UKHSA staff only.

Inside Housing

We have access to Inside Housing for a very limited number of users. Please contact us to request an account.

Local Government Chronicle (LGC)

We have access to LGC for UKHSA staff only.


We have access to the Bloomberg news site for a limited number of users on a trial basis until March 2024. Please contact us if you wish to have access or obtain a specific article.

The Financial Times

We have access to The Financial Times (FT) newspaper for a limited number of users. Please contact us if you wish to have access or obtain a specific article.

Journal FAQs

  • What if I can’t find the journal I am looking for?
    If you are looking for a specific article or themed issue which we don’t have in print or electronically, you can request it by contacting [email protected] or phoning 020 368 20600.
  • How do you decide which journal titles the library subscribes to?
    We review our subscriptions every year and take into account a variety of factors including usage statistics. We welcome your feedback or suggestions for new journal title subscriptions. Please send your feedback to [email protected].

Last Updated on 20th October 2023 by Edith Speller