Knowledge and Library Services: Literature Search Request

What is your name?

What is your email address?

What is your phone number?

Which organisation do you work for?

If you work for UKHSA, which Group do you belong to?

What is your location?

Which literature search type do you require?

What is the deadline for your search?

What is your preferred format for the search results?

What question are you trying to answer?

Please be as specific as possible.

Relevant concepts

Can you break your question down by population/problem, intervention, comparison and outcomes?

What types of information are you looking for?

Select multiple values or just one.

Please supply a few keywords including synonyms, acronyms, and international spellings

Publication / Author

If applicable, give an example of a relevant publication or key author

Key sources

Are there any specific websites/databases/key organisations you would like us to include in the search?

Country filter

Would you like to limit to UK only? Or include other countries? (Please specify)
Please leave blank if you are happy for results from all / any countries.

Language filter

Would you like to limit to English only? Or include other languages? (Please specify)
Please leave blank if you are happy for results from all / any countries.

What time period would you like the search to cover?

e.g. 2012 - 2022

What will the results of this search be used for?

Please choose one option.

Will your final output go through the Gateway?

If yes, please refer to the UKHSA Publication Standard. (Please note this is an intranet page)

Are you happy for this search to be shared anonymously?

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