Health inequalities: place-based approaches to reduce inequalities

The place-based approaches for reducing health inequalities aims to:

  • reinforce a common understanding of the complex causes and costs of health inequalities
  • provide a practical framework and tools for places to reduce health inequalities

For more information, please visit: guidelines to support local action on health inequalities.

A suite of practice examples provide insights on measurable approaches to reduce health inequalities. We hope these examples will be helpful to inspire collaborative action among multiple partners at the local level.

The learning was collected through a number of channels by engaging internal and external networks, including the Association of Directors of Public Health and Local Government Association. The following criteria were used to identify and prioritise these case studies: regional variation, seldom heard, innovation, level of engagement of multiple partners, rural/urban split, outcome-focused.

Click on the title of the practice example in the table below to view the full text.

Practice examples

Title of practice exampleSummary
Helping parents equip their children for primary school: School Readiness Programme in MiddlesbroughAn analysis of school readiness data in 2015 identified that children in Middleborough had significantly lower rates of school readiness than the England average, as well as poorer health outcomes. To address this, Middlesbrough Council reviewed and re-designed its services and support, developing a school readiness pathway. This included integrating the work of the Health Visiting team with the Council’s Early Years team.
Improving local air quality by working with partners through the Surrey Air Alliance to deliver a schools-based programmeThe schools-focussed project aims to improve the air quality in and around schools in/within 2km of an AQMA, whilst also positively impacting on the levels of physical activity amongst school-age children.
Integrating services to offer holistic drug and alcohol recovery and prevention (Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council)The charity Change, Grow, Live (in partnership with Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council) works collaboratively with a range of local services and organisations to deliver an integrated drug and alcohol recovery and prevention service with a focus on supporting vulnerable individuals and those living in areas with the greatest deprivation.
Linking health and local government data at household level to understand social determinants of health The partners aim to develop an innovative linked dataset between the NHS and local government, with robust information governance arrangements. Council data will be linked with NHS data using an encrypted (pseudonymised) unique property reference number (UPRN), which every address in Great Britain has, and is collected on both NHS and local government datasets. This will enable analysis of social determinants of health at a household level.
Stockport Together: Developing an Outcomes Framework in StockportThe Stockport Model of Care: development of a new model of care, a new commissioning and contracting model and transformation of services across the whole system including proactive care, planned care, urgent care and the approach to prevention.
Talent4Care: responding to a workforce shortage while addressing the wider determinants of healthTalent4Care is a six-week training programme that aims to attract and prepare unemployed people to work in health and social care. The Health and Social Care Career Academy, a partnership between Blackpool and the Fylde College, Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, and Blackpool Council, works closely with local employers to ensure the content of the programme meets workforce needs and increases the employability of participants.


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Last Updated on 16th June 2023 by rgledhill