Musculoskeletal Health

Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions or Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) is a term used to include a broad range of health conditions affecting the bones, joints, muscles and spine, as well as rarer autoimmune conditions such as lupus. Common symptoms include pain, stiffness and a loss of mobility and dexterity, often interfering with people’s ability to carry out their normal daily activities.

UKHSA with partners is committed to embedding prevention as a cornerstone, supporting people with MSK conditions to improve their health, while helping prevent people from developing them in the first place. In June 2019, ‘Musculoskeletal Health: A 5 year strategic framework for prevention across the lifecourse’ was published with partners Versus Arthritis and NHSE/I. The ambition is to help support prevention and MSK health promotion work in every local area across England. This in turn will continue to reduce inequalities, raise the focus on MSK health as key to population health and wellbeing, and ensure that our healthcare resources are used most effectively.

Case studies are an important way of capturing the evidence on what is working and what has not gone well, capturing the patient’s and the systems perspective. They can be used to highlight good practice and identify the learnings, and there is a demand for examples of ‘what does good look like?’. Case studies are good at telling stories, growing knowledge, amplifying the reach of anything we do, sharing best practice and being able to showcase outcomes (good and bad). As well as the complexities associated and challenges.

This is a growing collection of practice from across England that has been captured as part of a programme of work to improve access to evidence on prevention, early detection and treatment of MSK health conditions.

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Last Updated on 16th June 2023 by rgledhill