EndNote: An Introduction


To register for this event, please visit EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/endnote-an-introduction-phe-knowledge-library-services-tickets-146961607123  PLEASE NOTE: The main session lasts an hour. It ends with an optional half hour to practise using EndNote while in the session. This session is for UKHSA staff. Details of Read More ...

EndNote: An Introduction


To register for this event, please visit EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/endnote-an-introduction-phe-knowledge-library-services-tickets-146961607123  PLEASE NOTE: The main session lasts an hour. It ends with an optional half hour to practise using EndNote while in the session. This session is for UKHSA staff. Details of Read More ...

EndNote: Managing and Screening References


To register for this event, please visit EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/endnote-managing-and-screening-references-tickets-147823059751  This session is for UKHSA staff. Details of Information Skills Training available to Local Authority Public Health Teams are available on our Support for Local Authority Public Health Teams pages.  Aim To Read More ...

EndNote: Cite While You Write


To register for this event, please visit EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/endnote-cite-while-you-write-tickets-147828016577  This session is for UKHSA staff. Details of Information Skills Training available to Local Authority Public Health Teams are available on our Support for Local Authority Public Health Teams pages.  Aim To Read More ...

EndNote: An Introduction


To register for this event, please visit EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/endnote-an-introduction-phe-knowledge-library-services-tickets-146961607123  PLEASE NOTE: The main session lasts an hour. It ends with an optional half hour to practise using EndNote while in the session. This session is for UKHSA staff. Details of Read More ...

EndNote: Cite While You Write


To register for this event, please visit EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/endnote-cite-while-you-write-tickets-147828016577  This session is for UKHSA staff. Details of Information Skills Training available to Local Authority Public Health Teams are available on our Support for Local Authority Public Health Teams pages.  Aim To Read More ...

EndNote: An Introduction


To register for this event, please visit EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/endnote-an-introduction-phe-knowledge-library-services-tickets-146961607123  PLEASE NOTE: The main session lasts an hour. It ends with an optional half hour to practise using EndNote while in the session. This session is for UKHSA staff. Details of Read More ...

EndNote: An Introduction


To register for this event, please visit EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/endnote-an-introduction-phe-knowledge-library-services-tickets-146961607123  PLEASE NOTE: The main session lasts an hour. It ends with an optional half hour to practise using EndNote while in the session. This session is for UKHSA staff. Details of Read More ...

EndNote: Cite While You Write


To register for this event, please visit EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/endnote-cite-while-you-write-tickets-147828016577  This session is for UKHSA staff. Details of Information Skills Training available to Local Authority Public Health Teams are available on our Support for Local Authority Public Health Teams pages.  Aim To Read More ...

EndNote: An Introduction


To register for this event, please visit EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/endnote-an-introduction-phe-knowledge-library-services-tickets-146961607123  PLEASE NOTE: The main session lasts an hour. It ends with an optional half hour to practise using EndNote while in the session. This session is for UKHSA, OHID and NHS Read More ...

EndNote: An Introduction


To register for this event, please visit EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/endnote-an-introduction-phe-knowledge-library-services-tickets-146961607123  PLEASE NOTE: The main session lasts an hour. It ends with an optional half hour to practise using EndNote while in the session. This session is for UKHSA, OHID and NHS Read More ...

EndNote: An Introduction


To register for this event, please visit EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/endnote-an-introduction-phe-knowledge-library-services-tickets-146961607123  PLEASE NOTE: The main session lasts an hour. It ends with an optional half hour to practise using EndNote while in the session. This session is for UKHSA, OHID and NHS Read More ...