
BorrowBox logo

BorrowBox is a platform which allows you access to a selection of eBooks, audiobooks, magazines and newspapers from your mobile, tablet or computer.

Covers of books described in text

BorrowBox contents

Books by popular authors in the Wellbeing collection such as Ruby Wax, including How to be human and Frazzled, or Matt Haig.

A selection of titles to use for your learning and development, such as Lead Successful Projects or helping support remote working.

There are also books for reading for leisure and general interest, these include popular science books such as This is going to hurt by Adam Kay.

Magazines and newspapers on the site include New Scientist, The Guardian and The Washington Post.

Accessing BorrowBox

Access UKHSA BorrowBox on your computer, or use the BorrowBox app on your mobile phone or tablet.

To read titles on a laptop, install Adobe Digital Editions. Request this from the software self-service catalogue on the IT helpdesk.

Signing in

When using BorrowBox for the first time, enter your institution (UK Health Security Agency).
Your login is your library catalogue login (the login you use for the library self-issue kiosks and to view your loans / renew your books online). Learn about your library catalogue account.
Please contact us if you need any help.

Screenshot of Borrowbox homepage


More information on using BorrowBox is available here

Borrowing items

Most books can only be loaned to one person at a time. If a book you would like to borrow is already on loan, place a reservation on the title and you will be notified when it is available.

BorrowBox from multiple libraries

If you have BorrowBox access from your local public library, you can still use UKHSA’s BorrowBox collection. Log out of the app and log back in with your UKHSA account to access UKHSA content.

Privacy information

The BorrowBox Privacy Policy governs the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information by the service.

Last Updated on 7th January 2025