Are you interested in infectious diseases? Why not have a look at ClinicalKey:
ClinicalKey is a resource that holds all of Elsevier’s medical and surgical content in one place and its Infectious Diseases module encompasses the contents of 31 e-journals and 18 e-books on the subject.
You can access ClinicalKey from the OpenAthens homepage:
If you don’t already have an OpenAthens account you can find information and a link to the self-registration form on the following page:
From the homepage, select an option from “Browse clinical content” (Clinical Overviews, Drug Monographs, Calculators, Guidelines, or Patient Education) or “Deepen your knowledge” (Books, Journals, Procedure Videos or Multimedia).
You can then filter by Specialty, where you’ll find Infectious Diseases:
If you wish to download PDFs you’ll need to set up an individual ClinicalKey account once you’ve gone in via OpenAthens.
If you need any assistance with OpenAthens, ClinicalKey or indeed any of our other resources, please don’t hesitate to drop us a line to
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