Day 8 – Learning from what we do: tools and techniques for sharing what we know

Learning from what we do: tools and techniques for sharing what we know

Generally, people want to share their knowledge, but there isn’t always the time and space to do that. We know that we should always be learning, as individuals and as organisations, and building our skills and knowledge to improve what we do. But, somehow, that doesn’t always happen. It isn’t always easy to take our –  or seek out others’ – experience of working on one project and build it into the next. We carry a lot of what we have learned in our heads, and may not routinely have the opportunity to pass it on to those it would help.

The tools and techniques in our Knowledge Management Toolbox help create the space and legitimise the time to do that. This set of simple tools for connecting, capturing, and creating knowledge help you:

  • learn before (who has done something similar and what can we learn from them?)
  • learn during (what have we learned so far and are we on track?); and
  • learn after (what did we achieve and did it differ from our goals and what would we change next time?) activities and projects.

The regular use of tools such as Peer Assist, After Action Reviews and Retrospect – among others – helps create the right environment for knowledge sharing and learning.

Explore a range of tools in the KM Toolbox and get in touch if you’d like more information about or help in using any of them: or


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