Current Awareness Products


UKHSA Knowledge and Library Services (KLS) provide a range of current awareness products. If you would like to be kept regularly up to date with the latest research in your field of work, then please submit a request via the Knowledge and Library Services Enquiries Portal. Choose ‘Current Awareness’, and under the heading ‘Preferred format of results’, choose ‘Regular auto alert by email’.


Types of current awareness products available

Topic Alerts

You can submit a request for an alert to be set up on a topic of your choice, so that you are notified of new content in that field, as often as you choose.


Table of Contents Alerts

You can submit a request for an alert to be set up which lists articles from your chosen journals, as soon as they are published.


Automated Current Awareness Updates

A selection of Automated Current Awareness Updates (ACAUs) are listed below. These are comprehensive research alerts which aim to bring together and highlight the latest research from peer-reviewed publications about important public health topics. To avoid duplication of current awareness products, we will only fulfil requests for ACAUs that meet the criteria outlined in the KLS prioritisation flow chart


Adverse Weather and Health Research Bulletin (monthly)

The Adverse Weather and Health Research Bulletin is an evidence-based resource produced by UKHSA’s Centre for Climate and Health Security (CCHS) on behalf of the Extreme Events and Health Protection Team. The bulletin includes the latest published research articles on adverse weather events and their impacts on health to help you make informed decisions. To register for the Adverse Weather and Health Research Bulletin, please email

Global Health Security (monthly)

Global Health Security (GHS) has been identified as a priority for UKHSA. To support this, the Global Health Security team have developed this resource to highlight a selection of recent, peer-reviewed publications in the field of global health security. Contact the team to sign up for this update. 

Healthy Ageing (monthly)

The Healthy Ageing Current Awareness Update is published on the first day of the month, and highlights the latest research from age-related guidance and journals. To register for the Healthy Ageing Newsletter, please email

Infection (weekly)

The Infection Current Awareness Update highlights the latest research from infection-related guidance and journals, and new publications from the National Infection Service. It is published every Monday morning. To register for the Infection Current Awareness Update, please email

Long COVID (weekly)

KLS have been producing a weekly Long COVID Research Alert, each Wednesday morning since December 2021. To register for the Long COVID Research Alert, please email

Musculoskeletal Health (monthly)

The Musculoskeletal Health (MSKH) Current Awareness Update highlights the latest research from MSKH-related guidance and journals. It is published on the first day of the month. To register for the Musculoskeletal Health Current Awareness Update, please email

Nutrition, Diet & Obesity Journal Contents Update (weekly)

The Nutrition, Diet & Obesity Journal Contents Update highlights the latest research from particular journals covering the topics of nutrition, diet, and obesity. It is published every Monday morning. To register for the Nutrition, Diet & Obesity Journal Contents Update, please email

Vector Borne Diseases Current Awareness Update (weekly)

This update contains content, news, information and journal articles on vector borne diseases caused by ticks and mosquitoes. It is published every Monday morning. To register for the Vector Borne Diseases Current Awareness Update, please email

ACAUs are delivered by Vable and by signing up to them your data will be handled in line with their Privacy Policy. You may unsubscribe at any time by emailing us, or by using the unsubscribe link on the email alert.


Setting up your own alerts

You can create your own alerts in many of the databases available via MyAthens.

To set up an alert, you first need to create a personal account, which provides you with a private workspace for your saved strategies and alerts. When you have completed your search strategy in a database, save it to your personal account and follow the steps to create an alert.

Guidance is available on setting up alerts in specific databases via the following links:

If you need help creating your own alerts, please contact us.



BrowZine is another way for you to keep up to date, using your browser or a mobile app. Use BrowZine to create a bookshelf of your favourite journals, get alerts when new issues of journals become available, and bookmark articles for future reference. You just need to create an account and then set up your bookshelves.


Bulletins available from other UKHSA divisions, the NHS, and external organisations to help you keep up to date

We do not accept responsibility for the availability, reliability or content of the items included in these bulletins and do not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them.


UKHSA bulletins

Global Hazards Weekly BulletinWeeklyA list of notifications of disasters taking place around the world.
UKHSA StatisticsA summary of the latest official statistics releases published by UK Health Security Agency, arranged by topic. The bulletin also features any recent statistical publications.
UKHSA Stakeholder CascadeWeeklyNational operational material and information for local UKHSA stakeholders
CCHS newsletterQuarterlyThis is the quarterly newsletter from UKHSA's Centre for Climate and Health Security (CCHS). It will include updates from the Centre on climate and health topics, and recommended resources from our external partners.


External current awareness bulletins

Emergency Preparedness Resilience and ResponseMonthlyLibrary & Knowledge Service for NHS Ambulance Services in EnglandA list of papers that relate to emergency preparedness, resilience and response.
Health and Care Knowledge UpdateMonthlyOffice for National Statistics / Governmental Statistical ServiceNewsletter that brings together information, resources, and official statistics on health and care.
The Health Foundation NewsletterMonthlyThe Health FoundationFeatures different perspectives and expert opinion on a different health or health care topic. Also includes details about funding opportunities, Health Foundation publications and blogs, as well as the latest news from us and the world of UK health care.
Health Management and Policy AlertTwice weeklyThe King's FundUpdate on the latest health policy, guidance, reports and statistics.
Health and Wellbeing BulletinTwice monthlyThe King's FundUpdate on the latest news, policy developments and guidance on public health, health inequalities and population health.
NICE news for health and social careMonthlyNICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence)Latest news, features and guidance. Includes implementation advice, case studies, consultations, and meetings and events.
WHO NewsletterVarious newsletters availableWorld Health Organization (WHO)WHO's work around the globe, health campaigns, and other efforts to improve health around the world. Topic-specific newsletters available.


Collated list of NHS current awareness bulletins

NHS England Workforce, Training and Education Knowledge and Library Services maintain a list of Current Awareness Services that provides details of bulletins being produced by NHS Knowledge and Library Services across England.


Last Updated on 7th March 2025